오라클 디비에서 SHA256 해시를 사용해야 하는 상황이 생겨버렸슴니다.
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TEST라는 글자를 SHA256 해쉬값이 딱 하고 나오게 하고 싶었습니다.
구글링 해보니.. java 소스를 디비에 뭐 적용하고 뭐라뭐라 하라고 하는데 따라하다 포기햇습다 ㅠㅠ
결론적으로 귀찮음이 많은 개발자인 저는 한번에 쓸수 있는 방법을 찾았슴다.
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다음은 복사할 소스코드 입니다. (2개 복사)
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE SHA256 IS /* Oracle PL/SQL Package to compute SHA256 message digest of files or memory blocks. according to the definition of SHA256 in FIPS 180-2. Copyright (C) 2014, Steve Jang <cruiserx@hanmail.net></cruiserx@hanmail.net> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ -- type declarations TYPE ta_number IS TABLE OF NUMBER INDEX BY binary_integer; TYPE tr_ctx IS RECORD ( H TA_NUMBER, --//8 total TA_NUMBER, --//2 buflen NUMBER, buffer32 TA_NUMBER --//32 ); -- constant declarations /* Constant for 32bit bitwise operations */ fullbits NUMBER := to_number('FFFFFFFF','xxxxxxxx'); bits_FF000000 NUMBER := to_number('FF000000','xxxxxxxx'); bits_00FF0000 NUMBER := to_number('00FF0000','xxxxxxxx'); bits_0000FF00 NUMBER := to_number('0000FF00','xxxxxxxx'); bits_000000FF NUMBER := to_number('000000FF','xxxxxxxx'); bits_00FFFFFF NUMBER := to_number('00FFFFFF','xxxxxxxx'); bits_FF00FFFF NUMBER := to_number('FF00FFFF','xxxxxxxx'); bits_FFFF00FF NUMBER := to_number('FFFF00FF','xxxxxxxx'); bits_FFFFFF00 NUMBER := to_number('FFFFFF00','xxxxxxxx'); bits_FFFF0000 NUMBER := to_number('FFFF0000','xxxxxxxx'); bits_80000000 NUMBER := to_number('80000000','xxxxxxxx'); bits_00800000 NUMBER := to_number('00800000','xxxxxxxx'); bits_00008000 NUMBER := to_number('00008000','xxxxxxxx'); bits_00000080 NUMBER := to_number('00000080','xxxxxxxx'); bits_FFFFFFC0 NUMBER := to_number('FFFFFFC0','xxxxxxxx'); /* This array contains the bytes used to pad the buffer to the next 64-byte boundary. (FIPS 180-2:5.1.1) */ fillbuf TA_NUMBER; --//16 { 0x80, 0 /* , 0, 0, ... */ }; /* Constants for SHA256 from FIPS 180-2:4.2.2. */ K TA_NUMBER; --//64 {...} -- Public function and procedure declarations /* Initialize structure containing state of computation. (FIPS 180-2: 5.3.2) */ PROCEDURE sha256_init_ctx (ctx IN OUT NOCOPY TR_CTX); /* Starting with the result of former calls of this function (or the initialization function update the context for the next LEN bytes starting at BUFFER. It is NOT required that LEN is a multiple of 64. */ PROCEDURE sha256_process_bytes (buffer IN RAW, len IN NUMBER, ctx IN OUT NOCOPY TR_CTX); /* Process LEN bytes of BUFFER, accumulating context into CTX. It is assumed that LEN % 64 == 0. */ PROCEDURE sha256_process_block (buffer IN TA_NUMBER, len IN NUMBER, ctx IN OUT NOCOPY TR_CTX); /* Process the remaining bytes in the buffer and put result from CTX in first 32 bytes following RESBUF. IMPORTANT: On some systems it is required that RESBUF is correctly aligned for a 32 bits value. */ PROCEDURE sha256_finish_ctx (ctx IN OUT NOCOPY TR_CTX, resbuf OUT NOCOPY TA_NUMBER); FUNCTION BITOR (x IN NUMBER, y IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER; FUNCTION BITXOR (x IN NUMBER, y IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER; FUNCTION BITNOT (x IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER; FUNCTION LEFTSHIFT( x IN NUMBER, y IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER; FUNCTION RIGHTSHIFT( x IN NUMBER, y IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER; FUNCTION CYCLIC( x IN NUMBER, y IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER; /* Operators defined in FIPS 180-2:4.1.2. */ FUNCTION OP_Ch(x IN NUMBER, y IN NUMBER, z IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER; FUNCTION OP_Maj(x IN NUMBER, y IN NUMBER, z IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER; FUNCTION OP_S0(x IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER; FUNCTION OP_S1(x IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER; FUNCTION OP_R0(x IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER; FUNCTION OP_R1(x IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER; /* Final Function */ FUNCTION ENCRYPT(x IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2; FUNCTION ENCRYPT_RAW(x IN RAW) RETURN VARCHAR2; END SHA256; |
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY SHA256 IS /* Oracle PL/SQL Package to compute SHA256 message digest of files or memory blocks. according to the definition of SHA256 in FIPS 180-2. Copyright (C) 2014, Steve Jang <cruiserx@hanmail.net> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ FUNCTION BITOR (x IN NUMBER, y IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER AS BEGIN RETURN (x + y - BITAND(x, y)); END; FUNCTION BITXOR (x IN NUMBER, y IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER AS BEGIN RETURN (BITOR(x, y) - BITAND(x, y)); END; FUNCTION BITNOT (x IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER AS BEGIN RETURN (fullbits - x); END; FUNCTION LEFTSHIFT( x IN NUMBER, y IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER AS tmp NUMBER := x; BEGIN FOR idx IN 1..y LOOP tmp := tmp * 2; END LOOP; RETURN BITAND(tmp, fullbits); END; FUNCTION RIGHTSHIFT( x IN NUMBER, y IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER AS tmp NUMBER := x; BEGIN FOR idx IN 1..y LOOP tmp := trunc(tmp / 2); END LOOP; RETURN BITAND(tmp, fullbits); END; FUNCTION CYCLIC( x IN NUMBER, y IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER AS BEGIN RETURN BITOR( RIGHTSHIFT(x, y), LEFTSHIFT(x, 32-y) ); END; /* Operators defined in FIPS 180-2:4.1.2. */ FUNCTION OP_Ch(x IN NUMBER, y IN NUMBER, z IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER AS BEGIN RETURN BITXOR( BITAND(x, y), BITAND(BITNOT(x), z) ); END; FUNCTION OP_Maj(x IN NUMBER, y IN NUMBER, z IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER AS BEGIN RETURN BITXOR( BITXOR( BITAND(x,y), BITAND(x,z) ), BITAND(y,z) ); END; FUNCTION OP_S0(x IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER AS BEGIN RETURN BITXOR( BITXOR( CYCLIC(x,2), CYCLIC(x,13) ), CYCLIC(x,22) ); END; FUNCTION OP_S1(x IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER AS BEGIN RETURN BITXOR( BITXOR( CYCLIC(x, 6), CYCLIC(x, 11) ), CYCLIC(x, 25) ); END; FUNCTION OP_R0(x IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER AS BEGIN RETURN BITXOR( BITXOR( CYCLIC(x, 7), CYCLIC(x, 18) ), RIGHTSHIFT(x, 3) ); END; FUNCTION OP_R1(x IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER AS BEGIN RETURN BITXOR( BITXOR( CYCLIC(x, 17), CYCLIC(x, 19) ), RIGHTSHIFT(x, 10) ); END; /* Initialize structure containing state of computation. (FIPS 180-2: 5.3.2) */ PROCEDURE sha256_init_ctx (ctx IN OUT NOCOPY TR_CTX) IS BEGIN ctx.H(0) := to_number('6a09e667', 'xxxxxxxx'); ctx.H(1) := to_number('bb67ae85', 'xxxxxxxx'); ctx.H(2) := to_number('3c6ef372', 'xxxxxxxx'); ctx.H(3) := to_number('a54ff53a', 'xxxxxxxx'); ctx.H(4) := to_number('510e527f', 'xxxxxxxx'); ctx.H(5) := to_number('9b05688c', 'xxxxxxxx'); ctx.H(6) := to_number('1f83d9ab', 'xxxxxxxx'); ctx.H(7) := to_number('5be0cd19', 'xxxxxxxx'); ctx.total(0) := 0; ctx.total(1) := 0; ctx.buflen := 0; FOR idx IN 0..32 LOOP ctx.buffer32(idx) := 0; END LOOP; END; /* Process LEN bytes of BUFFER, accumulating context into CTX. It is assumed that LEN % 64 == 0. */ procedure sha256_process_block (buffer IN TA_NUMBER, len IN NUMBER, ctx IN OUT NOCOPY TR_CTX) IS words TA_NUMBER := buffer; nwords NUMBER := trunc(len / 4); pos_words NUMBER; t NUMBER; a NUMBER := ctx.H(0); b NUMBER := ctx.H(1); c NUMBER := ctx.H(2); d NUMBER := ctx.H(3); e NUMBER := ctx.H(4); f NUMBER := ctx.H(5); g NUMBER := ctx.H(6); h NUMBER := ctx.H(7); W TA_NUMBER; --//[64] ; a_save NUMBER; b_save NUMBER; c_save NUMBER; d_save NUMBER; e_save NUMBER; f_save NUMBER; g_save NUMBER; h_save NUMBER; T1 NUMBER; T2 NUMBER; BEGIN /* First increment the byte count. FIPS 180-2 specifies the possible length of the file up to 2^64 bits. Here we only compute the number of bytes. */ ctx.total(1) := ctx.total(1) + len; /* Process all bytes in the buffer with 64 bytes in each round of the loop. */ pos_words := 0; WHILE (nwords > 0) LOOP a_save := a; b_save := b; c_save := c; d_save := d; e_save := e; f_save := f; g_save := g; h_save := h; /* Compute the message schedule according to FIPS 180-2:6.2.2 step 2. */ FOR t IN 0..15 LOOP W(t) := words(pos_words); pos_words := pos_words + 1; END LOOP; FOR t IN 16..63 LOOP W(t) := BITAND(OP_R1(W(t-2)) + W(t-7) + OP_R0(W(t-15)) + W(t-16), fullbits); END LOOP; /* The actual computation according to FIPS 180-2:6.2.2 step 3. */ FOR t IN 0..63 LOOP T1 := BITAND(h + OP_S1(e) + OP_Ch (e, f, g) + K(t) + W(t), fullbits); T2 := BITAND(OP_S0(a) + OP_Maj (a, b, c), fullbits); h := g; g := f; f := e; e := BITAND(d + T1, fullbits); d := c; c := b; b := a; a := BITAND(T1 + T2, fullbits); END LOOP; /* Add the starting values of the context according to FIPS 180-2:6.2.2 step 4. */ a := BITAND(a + a_save, fullbits); b := BITAND(b + b_save, fullbits); c := BITAND(c + c_save, fullbits); d := BITAND(d + d_save, fullbits); e := BITAND(e + e_save, fullbits); f := BITAND(f + f_save, fullbits); g := BITAND(g + g_save, fullbits); h := BITAND(h + h_save, fullbits); /* Prepare for the next round. */ nwords := nwords - 16; END LOOP; /* Put checksum in context given as argument. */ ctx.H(0) := a; ctx.H(1) := b; ctx.H(2) := c; ctx.H(3) := d; ctx.H(4) := e; ctx.H(5) := f; ctx.H(6) := g; ctx.H(7) := h; END; /* Starting with the result of former calls of this function (or the initialization function update the context for the next LEN bytes starting at BUFFER. It is NOT required that LEN is a multiple of 64. */ PROCEDURE sha256_process_bytes (buffer IN RAW, len IN NUMBER, ctx IN OUT NOCOPY TR_CTX) IS left_over NUMBER; left_over_blk NUMBER; left_over_mod NUMBER; add NUMBER; t_len NUMBER := len; t_buffer RAW(32767) := buffer; x_buffer32 TA_NUMBER; BEGIN /* When we already have some bits in our internal buffer concatenate both inputs first. */ IF (ctx.buflen > 0) THEN left_over := ctx.buflen; add := CASE WHEN 128 - left_over > t_len THEN t_len ELSE 128 - left_over END; FOR idx IN 1..add LOOP left_over_blk := trunc((left_over+idx-1)/4); left_over_mod := mod((left_over+idx-1), 4); IF (left_over_mod=0) THEN ctx.buffer32(left_over_blk) := BITAND(ctx.buffer32(left_over_blk),bits_00FFFFFF) + to_number(utl_raw.substr(t_buffer,idx,1),'0x')*16777216; ELSIF (left_over_mod=1) THEN ctx.buffer32(left_over_blk) := BITAND(ctx.buffer32(left_over_blk),bits_FF00FFFF) + to_number(utl_raw.substr(t_buffer,idx,1),'0x')*65536; ELSIF (left_over_mod=2) THEN ctx.buffer32(left_over_blk) := BITAND(ctx.buffer32(left_over_blk),bits_FFFF00FF) + to_number(utl_raw.substr(t_buffer,idx,1),'0x')*256; ELSE ctx.buffer32(left_over_blk) := BITAND(ctx.buffer32(left_over_blk),bits_FFFFFF00) + to_number(utl_raw.substr(t_buffer,idx,1),'0x'); END IF; END LOOP; ctx.buflen := ctx.buflen + add; IF (ctx.buflen > 64) THEN sha256_process_block (ctx.buffer32, BITAND(ctx.buflen, bits_FFFFFFC0), ctx); ctx.buflen := BITAND(ctx.buflen, 63); /* The regions in the following copy operation cannot overlap. */ /* memcpy (ctx->buffer, ctx->buffer[(left_over + add) bitand ~63], ctx->buflen); */ FOR idx IN 1..ctx.buflen LOOP DECLARE dest_pos NUMBER := idx-1; dest_pos_blk NUMBER := trunc(dest_pos/4); dest_pos_mod NUMBER := mod(dest_pos, 4); src_pos NUMBER := BITAND(left_over + add, bits_FFFFFFC0)+idx-1; src_pos_blk NUMBER := trunc(src_pos/4); src_pos_mod NUMBER := mod(src_pos, 4); byte_value NUMBER; BEGIN IF (src_pos_mod=0) THEN byte_value := BITAND(ctx.buffer32(src_pos_blk),bits_FF000000)/16777216; ELSIF (src_pos_mod=1) THEN byte_value := BITAND(ctx.buffer32(src_pos_blk),bits_00FF0000)/65536; ELSIF (src_pos_mod=2) THEN byte_value := BITAND(ctx.buffer32(src_pos_blk),bits_0000FF00)/256; ELSE byte_value := BITAND(ctx.buffer32(src_pos_blk),bits_000000FF); END IF; IF (dest_pos_mod=0) THEN ctx.buffer32(dest_pos_blk) := BITAND(ctx.buffer32(dest_pos_blk),bits_00FFFFFF) + byte_value*16777216; ELSIF (dest_pos_mod=1) THEN ctx.buffer32(dest_pos_blk) := BITAND(ctx.buffer32(dest_pos_blk),bits_FF00FFFF) + byte_value*65536; ELSIF (dest_pos_mod=2) THEN ctx.buffer32(dest_pos_blk) := BITAND(ctx.buffer32(dest_pos_blk),bits_FFFF00FF) + byte_value*256; ELSE ctx.buffer32(dest_pos_blk) := BITAND(ctx.buffer32(dest_pos_blk),bits_FFFFFF00) + byte_value; END IF; END; END LOOP; END IF; t_buffer := utl_raw.substr(t_buffer, add+1); t_len := t_len - add; END IF; /* Process available complete blocks. */ IF (t_len >= 64) THEN DECLARE cnt NUMBER := BITAND(t_len, bits_FFFFFFC0); target_blk NUMBER; target_mod NUMBER; BEGIN FOR idx IN 0..cnt LOOP x_buffer32(idx) := 0; END LOOP; FOR idx IN 1..cnt LOOP target_blk := trunc((idx-1)/4); target_mod := mod((idx-1), 4); IF (target_mod=0) THEN x_buffer32(target_blk) := BITAND(x_buffer32(target_blk),bits_00FFFFFF) + to_number(utl_raw.substr(t_buffer,idx,1),'0x')*16777216; ELSIF (target_mod=1) THEN x_buffer32(target_blk) := BITAND(x_buffer32(target_blk),bits_FF00FFFF) + to_number(utl_raw.substr(t_buffer,idx,1),'0x')*65536; ELSIF (target_mod=2) THEN x_buffer32(target_blk) := BITAND(x_buffer32(target_blk),bits_FFFF00FF) + to_number(utl_raw.substr(t_buffer,idx,1),'0x')*256; ELSE x_buffer32(target_blk) := BITAND(x_buffer32(target_blk),bits_FFFFFF00) + to_number(utl_raw.substr(t_buffer,idx,1),'0x'); END IF; END LOOP; sha256_process_block (x_buffer32, cnt, ctx); IF (utl_raw.length(t_buffer) <= cnt) THEN t_buffer := ''; ELSE t_buffer := utl_raw.substr(t_buffer, cnt+1); END IF; END; t_len := BITAND(t_len, 63); END IF; /* Move remaining bytes into internal buffer. */ IF (t_len > 0) THEN left_over := ctx.buflen; /* memcpy (ctx->buffer[left_over], t_buffer, t_len); */ FOR idx IN 1..t_len LOOP left_over_blk := trunc((left_over+idx-1)/4); left_over_mod := mod((left_over+idx-1), 4); IF (left_over_mod=0) THEN ctx.buffer32(left_over_blk) := BITAND(ctx.buffer32(left_over_blk),bits_00FFFFFF) + to_number(utl_raw.substr(t_buffer,idx,1),'0x')*16777216; ELSIF (left_over_mod=1) THEN ctx.buffer32(left_over_blk) := BITAND(ctx.buffer32(left_over_blk),bits_FF00FFFF) + to_number(utl_raw.substr(t_buffer,idx,1),'0x')*65536; ELSIF (left_over_mod=2) THEN ctx.buffer32(left_over_blk) := BITAND(ctx.buffer32(left_over_blk),bits_FFFF00FF) + to_number(utl_raw.substr(t_buffer,idx,1),'0x')*256; ELSE ctx.buffer32(left_over_blk) := BITAND(ctx.buffer32(left_over_blk),bits_FFFFFF00) + to_number(utl_raw.substr(t_buffer,idx,1),'0x'); END IF; END LOOP; left_over := left_over + t_len; IF (left_over >= 64) THEN sha256_process_block (ctx.buffer32, 64, ctx); left_over := left_over - 64; /* memcpy (ctx->buffer, ctx->buffer[64], left_over); */ FOR idx IN 1..left_over LOOP DECLARE dest_pos NUMBER := idx-1; dest_pos_blk NUMBER := trunc(dest_pos/4); dest_pos_mod NUMBER := mod(dest_pos, 4); src_pos NUMBER := idx+64-1; src_pos_blk NUMBER := trunc(src_pos/4); src_pos_mod NUMBER := mod(src_pos, 4); byte_value NUMBER; BEGIN IF (src_pos_mod=0) THEN byte_value := BITAND(ctx.buffer32(src_pos_blk),bits_FF000000)/16777216; ELSIF (src_pos_mod=1) THEN byte_value := BITAND(ctx.buffer32(src_pos_blk),bits_00FF0000)/65536; ELSIF (src_pos_mod=2) THEN byte_value := BITAND(ctx.buffer32(src_pos_blk),bits_0000FF00)/256; ELSE byte_value := BITAND(ctx.buffer32(src_pos_blk),bits_000000FF); END IF; IF (dest_pos_mod=0) THEN ctx.buffer32(dest_pos_blk) := BITAND(ctx.buffer32(dest_pos_blk),bits_00FFFFFF) + byte_value*16777216; ELSIF (dest_pos_mod=1) THEN ctx.buffer32(dest_pos_blk) := BITAND(ctx.buffer32(dest_pos_blk),bits_FF00FFFF) + byte_value*65536; ELSIF (dest_pos_mod=2) THEN ctx.buffer32(dest_pos_blk) := BITAND(ctx.buffer32(dest_pos_blk),bits_FFFF00FF) + byte_value*256; ELSE ctx.buffer32(dest_pos_blk) := BITAND(ctx.buffer32(dest_pos_blk),bits_FFFFFF00) + byte_value; END IF; END; END LOOP; END IF; ctx.buflen := left_over; END IF; END; /* Process the remaining bytes in the buffer and put result from CTX in first 32 bytes following RESBUF. IMPORTANT: On some systems it is required that RESBUF is correctly aligned for a 32 bits value. */ PROCEDURE sha256_finish_ctx (ctx IN OUT NOCOPY TR_CTX, resbuf OUT NOCOPY TA_NUMBER) IS bytes NUMBER := ctx.buflen; pad NUMBER; pad_in NUMBER; pad_out NUMBER; start_idx NUMBER; i NUMBER; BEGIN /* Now count remaining bytes. */ ctx.total(1) := ctx.total(1)+bytes; /* Fill left bytes. */ IF (bytes >= 56) THEN pad := 64 + 56 - bytes; ELSE pad := 56 - bytes; END IF; pad_in := 4 - MOD(bytes,4); pad_out := pad - pad_in; start_idx := (bytes-MOD(bytes,4))/4; IF (pad_in < 4) THEN IF (pad_in = 1) THEN ctx.buffer32(start_idx) := BITAND(ctx.buffer32(start_idx), bits_FFFFFF00) + bits_00000080; ELSIF (pad_in = 2) THEN ctx.buffer32(start_idx) := BITAND(ctx.buffer32(start_idx), bits_FFFF0000) + bits_00008000; ELSIF (pad_in = 3) THEN ctx.buffer32(start_idx) := BITAND(ctx.buffer32(start_idx), bits_FF000000) + bits_00800000; END IF; FOR idx IN (start_idx+1)..(start_idx+1+pad_out/4-1) LOOP ctx.buffer32(idx) := 0; END LOOP; ELSE FOR idx IN start_idx..(start_idx+pad/4-1) LOOP IF (idx = start_idx) THEN ctx.buffer32(idx) := bits_80000000; ELSE ctx.buffer32(idx) := 0; END IF; END LOOP; END IF; /* Put the 64-bit file length in *bits* at the end of the buffer. */ ctx.buffer32((bytes + pad + 4) / 4) := BITAND(ctx.total(1) * 8, fullbits); ctx.buffer32((bytes + pad) / 4) := BITOR ( BITAND(ctx.total(0) * 8, fullbits), BITAND(ctx.total(1) / 536870912, fullbits) ); sha256_process_block (ctx.buffer32, bytes + pad + 8, ctx); FOR idx IN 0..7 LOOP resbuf(idx) := ctx.H(idx); END LOOP; END; FUNCTION ENCRYPT(x IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS ctx TR_CTX; res TA_NUMBER; BEGIN RETURN ENCRYPT_RAW(utl_raw.cast_to_raw(x)); END; FUNCTION ENCRYPT_RAW(x IN RAW) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS ctx TR_CTX; res TA_NUMBER; BEGIN sha256_init_ctx (ctx); sha256_process_bytes(x, utl_raw.length(x), ctx); sha256_finish_ctx(ctx, res); RETURN to_char(res(0),'FM0xxxxxxx') || to_char(res(1),'FM0xxxxxxx') || to_char(res(2),'FM0xxxxxxx') || to_char(res(3),'FM0xxxxxxx') || to_char(res(4),'FM0xxxxxxx') || to_char(res(5),'FM0xxxxxxx') || to_char(res(6),'FM0xxxxxxx') || to_char(res(7),'FM0xxxxxxx'); END; BEGIN -- Fill Buffer Initialization fillbuf(0) := bits_80000000; for i in 1..7 loop fillbuf(i) := 0; end loop; -- K Value Initialization K(0) := to_number('428a2f98', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(1) := to_number('71374491', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(2) := to_number('b5c0fbcf', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(3) := to_number('e9b5dba5', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(4) := to_number('3956c25b', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(5) := to_number('59f111f1', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(6) := to_number('923f82a4', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(7) := to_number('ab1c5ed5', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(8) := to_number('d807aa98', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(9) := to_number('12835b01', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(10) := to_number('243185be', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(11) := to_number('550c7dc3', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(12) := to_number('72be5d74', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(13) := to_number('80deb1fe', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(14) := to_number('9bdc06a7', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(15) := to_number('c19bf174', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(16) := to_number('e49b69c1', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(17) := to_number('efbe4786', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(18) := to_number('0fc19dc6', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(19) := to_number('240ca1cc', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(20) := to_number('2de92c6f', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(21) := to_number('4a7484aa', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(22) := to_number('5cb0a9dc', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(23) := to_number('76f988da', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(24) := to_number('983e5152', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(25) := to_number('a831c66d', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(26) := to_number('b00327c8', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(27) := to_number('bf597fc7', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(28) := to_number('c6e00bf3', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(29) := to_number('d5a79147', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(30) := to_number('06ca6351', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(31) := to_number('14292967', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(32) := to_number('27b70a85', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(33) := to_number('2e1b2138', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(34) := to_number('4d2c6dfc', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(35) := to_number('53380d13', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(36) := to_number('650a7354', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(37) := to_number('766a0abb', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(38) := to_number('81c2c92e', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(39) := to_number('92722c85', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(40) := to_number('a2bfe8a1', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(41) := to_number('a81a664b', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(42) := to_number('c24b8b70', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(43) := to_number('c76c51a3', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(44) := to_number('d192e819', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(45) := to_number('d6990624', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(46) := to_number('f40e3585', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(47) := to_number('106aa070', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(48) := to_number('19a4c116', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(49) := to_number('1e376c08', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(50) := to_number('2748774c', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(51) := to_number('34b0bcb5', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(52) := to_number('391c0cb3', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(53) := to_number('4ed8aa4a', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(54) := to_number('5b9cca4f', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(55) := to_number('682e6ff3', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(56) := to_number('748f82ee', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(57) := to_number('78a5636f', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(58) := to_number('84c87814', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(59) := to_number('8cc70208', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(60) := to_number('90befffa', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(61) := to_number('a4506ceb', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(62) := to_number('bef9a3f7', 'xxxxxxxx'); K(63) := to_number('c67178f2', 'xxxxxxxx'); END SHA256; |
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